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Multi-modal Inclusive Smart urban mobility SolutIONs

MISSION project intends to tackle the challenge of decarbonizing urban transport by reducing the predominant use of cars, taking advantage of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) solutions that - to a certain extent- could overcome the structural lack of Mass Rapid Transport infrastructure (tram and metro lines) in the cities the Adriatic-Ionian Region. The aim is to make public transport (PT) services integrated with other sustainable modes (cycling and pedestrian) and, thus, more attractive for travellers.

The overall project objective is to promote multimodal mobility solutions by deploying information about integrated travel solutions (e.g., PT and cycling). A SmartApp will be designed with the active involvement of citizens and stakeholders (coming from different sectors, e.g. NGO, research institutes, Public Administrations and Associations), through the organization of focus groups, that will allow to identify the requirements, and the information needed by travellers, as well as the most desirable features and functionalities to be deployed accordingly.

The SmartApp will be developed and tested in five cities of the Adriatic-Ionian (A-I) Region, using data sources available and modelling techniques easily transferable from city to city. It will be able not only to identify integrated seamless travel solutions but also to provide travellers with customized information about level of service (e.g., expected travel time) and of safety (e.g., risk of cycling on certain pathways). In other words, the SmartApp will allow to add value to available data source and make them transferable to other cities.

Data exchange and modelling knowledge transferability, as well as active involvement of citizens and stakeholders, will enable the enhancement of cross-border cooperation, by means of a memorandum of understanding among project partners and other stakeholders in the AI Region, in order to address common sustainable urban mobility challenges. This will allow to drawn comprehensive transnational policy recommendations on the potential of ITS solutions in terms of impact on the modal share in different urban contexts, travellers’ satisfaction with respect to the expected level of service and safety, overall impact on accessibility for different travellers’ segments.

For more details about the MISSION project, please visit the website.

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Dettagli Progetto
Titolo: Multi-modal Inclusive Smart urban mobility SolutIONs
Acronimo: MISSION
Importo del finanziamento (85%): 1.256.950,79 €
Budget Totale: 1.478.765,64 €
Data d'inizio: 1 Settembre 2024
Durata: 30 mesi

1. Politecnico di Milano (Italia) - Lead Partner
2. PLUSERVICE S.R.L. (Italia)
3. Municipality of Maribor (Slovenia)
4. University of Patras, Department of Civil Engineering (Grecia)
5. City of Novi Sad - City Administration for Traffic and Roads (Serbia)
6. City of Sarajevo (Bosnia ed Erzegovina)
7. Capital City of Podgorica (Montenegro)

Il progetto MISSION è finanziato dall'Unione Europea, a testimonianza di un forte impegno per la mobilità urbana sostenibile nella regione Adriatico-Ionica.