Phone: +39.02.2399.8298
E-mail: mario.covarrubias@polimi.it
Secretary's Office of the RL Methods and Tools for Product Design
Cinzia Farina
Phone: +39.02.2399.8283
E-mail: cinzia.farina@polimi.it
On 20th February 1996, Mario Covarrubias received the bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering from Instituto Tecnológico de Pachuca (México).
On 30th May 2002, Mario Covarrubias received a Master Degree in Manufacturing Systems from ITESM-Mty (Instituto Tecnologico de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey, México), with a thesis entitled “Methodologies for CAD, CAM and CAE analysis for Product Design” (“Metodologie per CAD, CAM and CAE analisis per lo sviluppo prodotto”).
He received a Ph.D in “Virtual Prototypes and Real Products” (Italian name “Disegno e Metodi di Sviluppo Prodotto”) from Politecnico di Milano on February 24th 2010, with a thesis entitled ‘’System for aesthetic shapes evaluation based on haptic interface collocated with a stereoscopic visualization system”.
From August 1st 2013 Mario Covarrubias to January 28 2015 has been Research Fellow (assegnista di ricerca, SSC 09-A3, SSD ING-IND/15) at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, with a contract on “STUDIO E SVILUPPO PROTOTIPALE DI SISTEMI BASATI SU TECNOLOGIE APTICHE PER LA RIABILITAZIONE MOTORIA” (Analysis, design and prototyping of haptic- based systems for motor rehabilitation).
From 2nd February 2015 is Assistant Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano (Ricercatore RTD Senior, SSC 09-A3, SSD ING-IND/15).
Mario Covarrubias ’s research activity focused on the use of virtual and augmented reality techniques and technologies, and in particular on haptic and multimodal and multisensory technologies, as a support for the product development process. Additionally, Mario Covarrubias started a research line related to the design and assessment of Multimodal Devices for Neuro and tele-Rehabilitation.